Journal Articles
Buchanan, S., Ruebottom, T. & Riaz, S. 2025. Edit Wars: Framing Contests, Argument Structure, and the Meaning of Inequality at Wikipedia. Academy of Management Discoveries. (Forthcoming)
Riaz, S. 2023. Organization and the Arts: Critical Conversations on Expanding Meanings and Understandings of Who Matters. Organization: The Critical Journal of Organization, Theory and Society. 30(6), 1222-1229.
Böhm, S., Carrington, M., Cornelius, N., de Bruin, B., Greenwood, M., Hassan, L., Jain, T., Karam, C., Kourula, A., Romani, L., Riaz, S., & Shaw, D. 2022. Ethics at the Centre of Global and Local Challenges: Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 180: 835–861.
Riaz, S. and Buchanan, S. 2021. Elite Maintenance Work across the Covid-19 Crisis: A Critical View on Power and Language. Critical Perspectives on International Business, Vol. 17 No. 2, 210-229.
Bhatt, B., Qureshi, I. and Riaz, S. 2019. Social entrepreneurship in non-munificent institutional environments and implications for institutional work: Insights from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 154(3): 605-630.
Buchanan, S., Ruebottom, T. and Riaz, S. 2018. Categorizing competence: Consumer debt and the reproduction of gender-based status differences. Organization Studies, 39(9): 1179-1202. Special issue on Inequality, Institutions and Organizations.
Riaz, S. and Qureshi, I. 2017. Emergence of a new institutional logic: Shaping the institutionally complex field of community radio in India. In Marc-David Seidel and Henrich Greve (eds.), Research in the Sociology of Organizations (Issue on Emergence), 383-418.
Riaz, S., Buchanan, S. and Ruebottom, T. 2016. Rhetoric of epistemic authority: Defending field positions during the financial crisis. Human Relations, 69(7): 1533-1561.
Riaz, S. 2015. Bringing inequality back in: The economic inequality footprint of management and organizational practices. Human Relations, 68(7): 1085-1097.
Riaz, S., Rowe, W. G. and Beamish, P. W. 2014. Expatriate-deployment levels and subsidiary growth: A temporal analysis. Journal of World Business, 49(1): 1-11.
Riaz, S., Buchanan, S. and Bapuji, H. 2011. Institutional work amidst the financial crisis: Emerging positions of elite actors. Organization: The Critical Journal of Organization, Theory and Society, 18(3): 187-214.
Ranked in the most-read articles at the journal for several months.
Riaz, S. 2009. The global financial crisis: An institutional theory analysis. Critical Perspectives on International Business, Special issue on The Global Financial Crisis, Volume 5, Issue 1, 26-35.
Highly Commended Paper, Emerald Literati Network Award for Excellence, 2010
Featured in most-downloaded and most-cited list in ten-year editorial review of journal, 2014
Giambatista, R., Rowe, G. and Riaz, S. 2005. Nothing succeeds like succession: A critical review of leader succession literature since 1994. The Leadership Quarterly, Volume 16, Issue 6, 963-991.
Bhardwaj, A., Ganesh, M.P., Qureshi, I., Shukla, D., Bhatt, B., and Riaz, S. 2022. Bridging Social Divides in India and Beyond: Initiating the Agenda. Introduction Chapter in Bhardwaj et al. (Editors), Bridging Social Divides in India and Beyond. Reliance Publishing House: New Delhi.
Riaz, S. 2019. The Inequality-Aware Organization. In Wunder, T. Rethinking Strategic Management: Competing Through a Sustainability Mindset. Springer.
Riaz, S. 2016. Debt for all: Towards a critical examination of organizational roles in debt practices and financialization. In Raza Mir, Hugh Willmott and Michelle Greenwood (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy in Organization Studies, 343-351.
Other Publications
Riaz, S. 2020. Rebuilding with ethics: Engaging with global issues during the covid-19 crisis. Journal of Business Ethics, Virtual Special Issue
Riaz, S. 2009. Exploring institutional realities: The economic crisis as a time for International Business to lead. Academy of International Business Insights, Number 9, Issue 3, 4-7.
Best Paper Proceedings (Selected)
Khan, A.F., Riaz, S. & Bhardwaj, A. 2023. Elite Discourse and Preserving Social Hierarchies: The Case of School Education in India. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Critical Management Studies division.
Buchanan, S., Ruebottom, T. and Riaz, S. 2020. From fringe to focal: How framing facilitates sustained increases in issue salience. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Organization and Management Theory division.
Finalist for "Best Paper on Environmental and Social Practices" award.
Buchanan, S., Toubiana, M. & Riaz, S. 2017. The dynamics of rhetoric in disrupted organizational fields. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Organization and Management Theory division.
Riaz, S. and Buchanan, S. 2014. Relational work by elite actors: Defining authority relationships as institutional maintenance. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Organization and Management Theory division.
Finalist for "Best Paper on Environmental and Social Practices" award.
Panels & Invited Presentations (Selected)
Presenter, panel on "Exploring Theoretical Perspectives in Research on Community-Based Enterprise and Entrepreneurship", Academy of Management, Chicago 2024
Presenter, panel symposium on "The Dark Side of Community Dynamics in Organizations' Pursuit of Social Innovation", Academy of Management, Boston 2023
Presenter, panel symposium on "Different Cultures, Different Dynamics? Driving Forward a Community Perspective of Social Innovation", Academy of Management, Seattle 2022
Presenter, new faculty seminar, "The One Crisis – that won’t go away: Understanding interconnected grand challenges through an organizational lens", University of Ottawa, Ottawa 2019
Presenter, "Doing Meaningful Research and Publishing Research", Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur, India 2019
Presenter, “The Inequality-Aware Organization” for symposium on “Organizational Strategizing for an Inclusive Planet Earth”, Academy of Management conference, Boston 2019
Presenter, "The crisis that won’t go away: Retrospective commentary on institutional analysis of the global financial crisis" for showcase symposium on "Organizational Lessons, One Decade After The Financial Crisis". Academy of Management conference, Chicago 2018
Presenter, showcase symposium on "The Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality: A Management Perspective". Academy of Management conference, Atlanta 2017
Presenter, professional development workshop (PDW) on "Philosophies of Organizational Research", Academy of Management conference, Atlanta 2017
Presenter, panel for subtheme on "Inequality, Institutions and Organizations", European Group for Organizational Studies, Copenhagen 2017
Presenter, panel on Creating Sustainability Mindsets, Strategic Management Society conference, Houston 2017
Presenter, plenary panel on "Inequality and Poverty from a Strategic Management Perspective". Strategic Management Society conference on “Strategies that Move the World”, Berlin 2016
Keynote Presenter, The Inequality Footprint of Organizational Practices: Opportunities for Field Researchers, 9th Boston Field Research Conference (Theme: "What Social Problems Can We Address? Field Research and the Crisis of Economic Inequality"), Boston 2015
Research Seminar, Economic Inequality and Business: Developing a Research Agenda, University of Massachusetts, Boston 2012
MBA Guest Lectures, Occupy Wall Street protests and the Global Financial Crisis, University of Massachusetts, Boston 2011
Research Seminar, Institutional Analysis of the Global Financial Crisis, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada 2010
Discussant, Knowledge Exchange Seminar, “Views on Performance Measures and Corporate Governance in the Automotive Industry”, York University, Toronto, Canada 2009
Media and Online Coverage
"Organizing for Social Impact: Social Interventions to Address Education Inequalities across the Globe" in "Innovative Thinking", Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, 2020.
"How to Rebuild after the Pandemic: Thought-Provoking and Ethical Reflections" in "Innovative Thinking" research highlights, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, 2020.
Interview: An academic journey to understand grand challenges such as inequality and financialization, 2019. Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa.
“Savvy men and shopaholic women: How media divides us”, 2019. Article published in ‘Work In Progress’ (website of the American Sociological Association)
"Should we be worried about finance socializing us?", August 2016. Blog article published in Socializing Finance network.
Republished as "Challenges of balancing scholarly engagement and critique: A reflection on social studies of finance" in Organizations and Social Change blog.
"Why is it so difficult to rein in Wall Street?", March 2016. Article published in The Conversation. Republished on various forums including GovExec (part of the Atlantic media group), Socializing Finance (network of scholars working on social studies of finance), Work In Progress (website of the American Sociological Association), Fix Capitalism, etc.
Interview and research reported in The Alsop Perspective column on "Occupy, Income Inequality and Business Schools", Graduate Management News, May 2012
Interview on "Does Occupy Offer Teachable Moments?" in Public Purpose magazine of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, Winter 2012.
Research on Economic Inequality in Ivey Business Journal reported in Forbes India, April 2012.
HBR Ascend article on Occupy Wall Street protests and the role of business was reported in Businessweek, Forbes, Huffington Post, CBS – BNET, Canadian Business, Chicago Chronicle, and several other publications across the world. Fall 2011.
Conference Presentations
Over 50 works at major conferences such as Academy of Management, European Group for Organizational Studies, Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics, Academy of International Business, Strategic Management Society, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, etc.
Selected Conference Work
Khan, A.F., Riaz, S. and Bhardwaj, A. "Organizing multi-stakeholder partnerships for societal grand challenges: A case of school education from the Global South", Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Montreal 2024
Riaz, S. “Faultlines of Inequality: Power and Principles in Contestation over Firm Pay Ratios”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, St. John’s 2020
Buchanan, S. Ruebottom, T. and Riaz, S. Power and discourse: Backstage and front-stage struggles towards field settlement at Wikipedia.
European Group for Organizational Studies, sub theme on "Unexpected Roles of Language in Organizing", Tallinn 2018
Qureshi, I., Riaz, S. and Ruebottom, T. Power and reflexivity in addressing societal inequality: Boundary work in facilitating distributed social ownership
Academy of Management, session on Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Around the World, Atlanta 2017
[earlier version] European Group for Organizational Studies, sub theme on "Inequality, Institutions, and Organizations", Copenhagen 2017
Buchanan, S., Toubiana, M., Riaz, S. The dynamics of rhetoric in disrupted organizational fields.
Academy of Management, session on Environmental Jolts and Field Disruptions, Atlanta 2017
Buchanan S., Toubiana, M., Riaz, S. and Lounsbury, M. The evolution of rhetorical structure in turbulent organizational fields: Consumer debt, the global financial crisis, and mainstream discourse
European Group for Organizational Studies, subtheme "Something to Talk about: Building Bridges to Understand the Power of Words and Vocabularies in Organizing", Naples 2016
Buchanan, S., Ruebottom, T, and Riaz, S. Discursive mechanisms of categorization.
Academy of Management, Anaheim 2016
Riaz, S. and Qureshi, I. Contestations over Social Value: Challenges, Strategies and Outcomes for Community Radio in India.
Strategic Management Society special conference on “Strategic Management in the Asian Century – Dealing with Dynamism, Diversity and Development, Sydney, Australia 2014
Riaz, S. and Buchanan, S. Bankers in Crisis: Constructing an Epistemic Authority Hierarchy through Rhetorical Institutional Work.
Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics, "Opening the Black Box of Financial Institutions", Chicago 2014
[earlier version] European Group for Organizational Studies, Montreal 2013
Buchanan, S., Riaz, S. and Toubiana, M. The Media and Institutional Maintenance: The Case of Consumer Debt.
Inequality, Institutions and Organizations: Third International Conference on Institutional Work, Vancouver 2013
[earlier version] Academy of Management, Orlando 2013
Qureshi, I., Bhatt, B. and Riaz, S. Objective Analysis Of Subjectivity: Q-Methodology For Research On Social Entrepreneurship
Academy of Management, Boston 2012
[earlier version] International Association for Chinese Management Research, Hong Kong 2012
Riaz, S. The Global Value Chain of Debt: Organizational Constituents and Institutional Context
Academy of International Business, Rio de Janeiro 2010
Buchanan, S., Ruebottom, T. & Riaz, S. 2025. Edit Wars: Framing Contests, Argument Structure, and the Meaning of Inequality at Wikipedia. Academy of Management Discoveries. (Forthcoming)
Riaz, S. 2023. Organization and the Arts: Critical Conversations on Expanding Meanings and Understandings of Who Matters. Organization: The Critical Journal of Organization, Theory and Society. 30(6), 1222-1229.
Böhm, S., Carrington, M., Cornelius, N., de Bruin, B., Greenwood, M., Hassan, L., Jain, T., Karam, C., Kourula, A., Romani, L., Riaz, S., & Shaw, D. 2022. Ethics at the Centre of Global and Local Challenges: Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 180: 835–861.
Riaz, S. and Buchanan, S. 2021. Elite Maintenance Work across the Covid-19 Crisis: A Critical View on Power and Language. Critical Perspectives on International Business, Vol. 17 No. 2, 210-229.
Bhatt, B., Qureshi, I. and Riaz, S. 2019. Social entrepreneurship in non-munificent institutional environments and implications for institutional work: Insights from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 154(3): 605-630.
Buchanan, S., Ruebottom, T. and Riaz, S. 2018. Categorizing competence: Consumer debt and the reproduction of gender-based status differences. Organization Studies, 39(9): 1179-1202. Special issue on Inequality, Institutions and Organizations.
Riaz, S. and Qureshi, I. 2017. Emergence of a new institutional logic: Shaping the institutionally complex field of community radio in India. In Marc-David Seidel and Henrich Greve (eds.), Research in the Sociology of Organizations (Issue on Emergence), 383-418.
Riaz, S., Buchanan, S. and Ruebottom, T. 2016. Rhetoric of epistemic authority: Defending field positions during the financial crisis. Human Relations, 69(7): 1533-1561.
Riaz, S. 2015. Bringing inequality back in: The economic inequality footprint of management and organizational practices. Human Relations, 68(7): 1085-1097.
Riaz, S., Rowe, W. G. and Beamish, P. W. 2014. Expatriate-deployment levels and subsidiary growth: A temporal analysis. Journal of World Business, 49(1): 1-11.
Riaz, S., Buchanan, S. and Bapuji, H. 2011. Institutional work amidst the financial crisis: Emerging positions of elite actors. Organization: The Critical Journal of Organization, Theory and Society, 18(3): 187-214.
Ranked in the most-read articles at the journal for several months.
Riaz, S. 2009. The global financial crisis: An institutional theory analysis. Critical Perspectives on International Business, Special issue on The Global Financial Crisis, Volume 5, Issue 1, 26-35.
Highly Commended Paper, Emerald Literati Network Award for Excellence, 2010
Featured in most-downloaded and most-cited list in ten-year editorial review of journal, 2014
Giambatista, R., Rowe, G. and Riaz, S. 2005. Nothing succeeds like succession: A critical review of leader succession literature since 1994. The Leadership Quarterly, Volume 16, Issue 6, 963-991.
Bhardwaj, A., Ganesh, M.P., Qureshi, I., Shukla, D., Bhatt, B., and Riaz, S. 2022. Bridging Social Divides in India and Beyond: Initiating the Agenda. Introduction Chapter in Bhardwaj et al. (Editors), Bridging Social Divides in India and Beyond. Reliance Publishing House: New Delhi.
Riaz, S. 2019. The Inequality-Aware Organization. In Wunder, T. Rethinking Strategic Management: Competing Through a Sustainability Mindset. Springer.
Riaz, S. 2016. Debt for all: Towards a critical examination of organizational roles in debt practices and financialization. In Raza Mir, Hugh Willmott and Michelle Greenwood (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy in Organization Studies, 343-351.
Other Publications
Riaz, S. 2020. Rebuilding with ethics: Engaging with global issues during the covid-19 crisis. Journal of Business Ethics, Virtual Special Issue
Riaz, S. 2009. Exploring institutional realities: The economic crisis as a time for International Business to lead. Academy of International Business Insights, Number 9, Issue 3, 4-7.
Best Paper Proceedings (Selected)
Khan, A.F., Riaz, S. & Bhardwaj, A. 2023. Elite Discourse and Preserving Social Hierarchies: The Case of School Education in India. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Critical Management Studies division.
Buchanan, S., Ruebottom, T. and Riaz, S. 2020. From fringe to focal: How framing facilitates sustained increases in issue salience. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Organization and Management Theory division.
Finalist for "Best Paper on Environmental and Social Practices" award.
Buchanan, S., Toubiana, M. & Riaz, S. 2017. The dynamics of rhetoric in disrupted organizational fields. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Organization and Management Theory division.
Riaz, S. and Buchanan, S. 2014. Relational work by elite actors: Defining authority relationships as institutional maintenance. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Organization and Management Theory division.
Finalist for "Best Paper on Environmental and Social Practices" award.
Panels & Invited Presentations (Selected)
Presenter, panel on "Exploring Theoretical Perspectives in Research on Community-Based Enterprise and Entrepreneurship", Academy of Management, Chicago 2024
Presenter, panel symposium on "The Dark Side of Community Dynamics in Organizations' Pursuit of Social Innovation", Academy of Management, Boston 2023
Presenter, panel symposium on "Different Cultures, Different Dynamics? Driving Forward a Community Perspective of Social Innovation", Academy of Management, Seattle 2022
Presenter, new faculty seminar, "The One Crisis – that won’t go away: Understanding interconnected grand challenges through an organizational lens", University of Ottawa, Ottawa 2019
Presenter, "Doing Meaningful Research and Publishing Research", Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur, India 2019
Presenter, “The Inequality-Aware Organization” for symposium on “Organizational Strategizing for an Inclusive Planet Earth”, Academy of Management conference, Boston 2019
Presenter, "The crisis that won’t go away: Retrospective commentary on institutional analysis of the global financial crisis" for showcase symposium on "Organizational Lessons, One Decade After The Financial Crisis". Academy of Management conference, Chicago 2018
Presenter, showcase symposium on "The Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality: A Management Perspective". Academy of Management conference, Atlanta 2017
Presenter, professional development workshop (PDW) on "Philosophies of Organizational Research", Academy of Management conference, Atlanta 2017
Presenter, panel for subtheme on "Inequality, Institutions and Organizations", European Group for Organizational Studies, Copenhagen 2017
Presenter, panel on Creating Sustainability Mindsets, Strategic Management Society conference, Houston 2017
Presenter, plenary panel on "Inequality and Poverty from a Strategic Management Perspective". Strategic Management Society conference on “Strategies that Move the World”, Berlin 2016
Keynote Presenter, The Inequality Footprint of Organizational Practices: Opportunities for Field Researchers, 9th Boston Field Research Conference (Theme: "What Social Problems Can We Address? Field Research and the Crisis of Economic Inequality"), Boston 2015
Research Seminar, Economic Inequality and Business: Developing a Research Agenda, University of Massachusetts, Boston 2012
MBA Guest Lectures, Occupy Wall Street protests and the Global Financial Crisis, University of Massachusetts, Boston 2011
Research Seminar, Institutional Analysis of the Global Financial Crisis, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada 2010
Discussant, Knowledge Exchange Seminar, “Views on Performance Measures and Corporate Governance in the Automotive Industry”, York University, Toronto, Canada 2009
Media and Online Coverage
"Organizing for Social Impact: Social Interventions to Address Education Inequalities across the Globe" in "Innovative Thinking", Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, 2020.
"How to Rebuild after the Pandemic: Thought-Provoking and Ethical Reflections" in "Innovative Thinking" research highlights, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, 2020.
Interview: An academic journey to understand grand challenges such as inequality and financialization, 2019. Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa.
“Savvy men and shopaholic women: How media divides us”, 2019. Article published in ‘Work In Progress’ (website of the American Sociological Association)
"Should we be worried about finance socializing us?", August 2016. Blog article published in Socializing Finance network.
Republished as "Challenges of balancing scholarly engagement and critique: A reflection on social studies of finance" in Organizations and Social Change blog.
"Why is it so difficult to rein in Wall Street?", March 2016. Article published in The Conversation. Republished on various forums including GovExec (part of the Atlantic media group), Socializing Finance (network of scholars working on social studies of finance), Work In Progress (website of the American Sociological Association), Fix Capitalism, etc.
Interview and research reported in The Alsop Perspective column on "Occupy, Income Inequality and Business Schools", Graduate Management News, May 2012
Interview on "Does Occupy Offer Teachable Moments?" in Public Purpose magazine of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, Winter 2012.
Research on Economic Inequality in Ivey Business Journal reported in Forbes India, April 2012.
HBR Ascend article on Occupy Wall Street protests and the role of business was reported in Businessweek, Forbes, Huffington Post, CBS – BNET, Canadian Business, Chicago Chronicle, and several other publications across the world. Fall 2011.
Conference Presentations
Over 50 works at major conferences such as Academy of Management, European Group for Organizational Studies, Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics, Academy of International Business, Strategic Management Society, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, etc.
Selected Conference Work
Khan, A.F., Riaz, S. and Bhardwaj, A. "Organizing multi-stakeholder partnerships for societal grand challenges: A case of school education from the Global South", Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Montreal 2024
Riaz, S. “Faultlines of Inequality: Power and Principles in Contestation over Firm Pay Ratios”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, St. John’s 2020
Buchanan, S. Ruebottom, T. and Riaz, S. Power and discourse: Backstage and front-stage struggles towards field settlement at Wikipedia.
European Group for Organizational Studies, sub theme on "Unexpected Roles of Language in Organizing", Tallinn 2018
Qureshi, I., Riaz, S. and Ruebottom, T. Power and reflexivity in addressing societal inequality: Boundary work in facilitating distributed social ownership
Academy of Management, session on Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Around the World, Atlanta 2017
[earlier version] European Group for Organizational Studies, sub theme on "Inequality, Institutions, and Organizations", Copenhagen 2017
Buchanan, S., Toubiana, M., Riaz, S. The dynamics of rhetoric in disrupted organizational fields.
Academy of Management, session on Environmental Jolts and Field Disruptions, Atlanta 2017
Buchanan S., Toubiana, M., Riaz, S. and Lounsbury, M. The evolution of rhetorical structure in turbulent organizational fields: Consumer debt, the global financial crisis, and mainstream discourse
European Group for Organizational Studies, subtheme "Something to Talk about: Building Bridges to Understand the Power of Words and Vocabularies in Organizing", Naples 2016
Buchanan, S., Ruebottom, T, and Riaz, S. Discursive mechanisms of categorization.
Academy of Management, Anaheim 2016
Riaz, S. and Qureshi, I. Contestations over Social Value: Challenges, Strategies and Outcomes for Community Radio in India.
Strategic Management Society special conference on “Strategic Management in the Asian Century – Dealing with Dynamism, Diversity and Development, Sydney, Australia 2014
Riaz, S. and Buchanan, S. Bankers in Crisis: Constructing an Epistemic Authority Hierarchy through Rhetorical Institutional Work.
Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics, "Opening the Black Box of Financial Institutions", Chicago 2014
[earlier version] European Group for Organizational Studies, Montreal 2013
Buchanan, S., Riaz, S. and Toubiana, M. The Media and Institutional Maintenance: The Case of Consumer Debt.
Inequality, Institutions and Organizations: Third International Conference on Institutional Work, Vancouver 2013
[earlier version] Academy of Management, Orlando 2013
Qureshi, I., Bhatt, B. and Riaz, S. Objective Analysis Of Subjectivity: Q-Methodology For Research On Social Entrepreneurship
Academy of Management, Boston 2012
[earlier version] International Association for Chinese Management Research, Hong Kong 2012
Riaz, S. The Global Value Chain of Debt: Organizational Constituents and Institutional Context
Academy of International Business, Rio de Janeiro 2010