My current research interests are at the intersection of grand challenges with management and organizations.
I am happy to collaborate on and/or guide graduate students or postdoctoral students on topics related to the following:
1. Organizational / multi-sector initiatives for solutions to societal grand challenges, such as inequality of various types, in different parts of the world. One example of this is an ongoing project on: Organizing for Social Impact: Social interventions to address education inequalities across the globe (Funded by a SSHRC Grant, Canada). Also see my article on grand ethical challenges, and my earlier pieces on inequality here and here.
2. Intersections of financialization and inequality, in which one area of focus is societal impact of financial practices (such as around consumer / household debt; microfinance), and another area of focus is organizational strategy (financialization pressures) and the role of institutions (financial crises). See for example my earlier research on epistemic authority in the financial industry context and on the dark side of debt practices.
3. Intersections of Organizing and Management with the Arts (literary fiction, poetry, etc.), from a critical and philosophical angle; Global South contexts particularly South Asia are of interest, as are Canadian contexts particularly Diasporic experiences. See my article on this in the journal Organization.
I am happy to collaborate on and/or guide graduate students or postdoctoral students on topics related to the following:
1. Organizational / multi-sector initiatives for solutions to societal grand challenges, such as inequality of various types, in different parts of the world. One example of this is an ongoing project on: Organizing for Social Impact: Social interventions to address education inequalities across the globe (Funded by a SSHRC Grant, Canada). Also see my article on grand ethical challenges, and my earlier pieces on inequality here and here.
2. Intersections of financialization and inequality, in which one area of focus is societal impact of financial practices (such as around consumer / household debt; microfinance), and another area of focus is organizational strategy (financialization pressures) and the role of institutions (financial crises). See for example my earlier research on epistemic authority in the financial industry context and on the dark side of debt practices.
3. Intersections of Organizing and Management with the Arts (literary fiction, poetry, etc.), from a critical and philosophical angle; Global South contexts particularly South Asia are of interest, as are Canadian contexts particularly Diasporic experiences. See my article on this in the journal Organization.